As of this writing there's more readily available and accessible resources on sex magick than at any other time in history. From a purely practical perspective - as opposed to mystical - some of the better public writings include Frater U.D's Secrets of Western Sex Magick, Jason Miller's Sex, Sorcery and Spirit and Jason Augustus Newcomb's Sexual Sorcery. All of which generally pivot around the idea of raising and directing bio-spiritual energy within the body.
Still, with the wealth of material available on practical sex magick most people still fail to get any kind of meaningful results. To be blunt, a magickal result in my book is when you have an actual intent you want to manifest in your personal reality and it happens. What it is not, is just feeling a bit different or manifesting minor psychic phenomena.
(Image: Kerbcrawler Ghost - Inferno of Pleasure)
On the surface, Sex Magick should be one of the most powerful methods for actually manifesting our desires. We are, after all, dealing with transpersonal and primordial currents of creative power. However, to make this a practical aspect of our sex magick and start getting results you need to address three broad areas:
It's easy to get distracted and lost in the moment during acts of sexual sorcery. Depending on the nature of the working that's not always a bad thing but when it comes to generating results in the real world, focus does matter.
Generally speaking, my advice is to get some results doing solo workings before engaging in partnered or group magick. The reason for this is if you can't maintain focus on your own, you're going to have a snowballs chance in hell when you start adding company. Also, you need to separate wanting to just have sex with someone from wanting to generate a result.
So what does "focus" actually mean? The easiest way to explain this is to use sigil magick as an example. As Pete Carroll points out, whatever is held within conscious at the point of orgasm tends to reach down into the depths of the subconscious where it becomes magickally effective. The nuance here is that you are able to hold something unwaveringly within consciousness and make that the object of your lust. It may seem a small distinction but it is important one.
To illustrate, assuming you have prepared a concise sigil or representation of your desire you can easily visualise, try this. Begin sexual arousal with NO external stimuli, once fully aroused shift the focus of your arousal to the sigil itself. (If this is not possible you need to read apply everything in the INTENSITY section of this article)This means that the only thing that occupies your conscious should be the sigil up until and including the point of orgasm. Then drop it and do something else. Laughter is often suggested.
Of course you can extend this type of focus to charging a visualised condition, experience or object you wish to acquire or even towards energising and healing particular energy centres. The important thing in all regards is the visualisation be kept simple and succinct enough that it can easily be held in consciousness whilst simultaneously achieving orgasm.
Commenting on the magickal technology of Austin Osman Spare, Kenneth Grant remarks, “Consciously formulated desires take time to materialize; subconscious desires can be made to materialize very swiftly.” The underlying logic is that whatever the subconscious can be convinced is true it will make manifest. This isn't just limited the personal subconscious but at deeper levels merges with a greater consciousness. For all his failings, Spare himself was able to manifest quite spectacular effects almost instantaneously using this method.
Sex by its very nature should reach down into the more primal layers of consciousness, allowing us to manifest our desires. At least, that's the theory. From a magickal perspective, the limitations is when sex is robotic, habitual or just plain boring. If you're constantly jacking it to Pornhub and wondering why your solo sex magick doesn't work its because your orgasms have about as much significance as brushing your teeth.
There are several ways to get your subconscious to sit up and pay attention, they all revolve around making sex magick workings distinct from ordinary sex. Periods of abstinence can help, ritualising is almost indispensable and having sex outside of your norm is a sure fire way to engage the subconscious. Let us look at each in turn.
Magickally speaking being sensitive to sexual stimuli is always advantageous. Abstinence is one way to re-sensitise yourself so you are able to enter periods of hypersexuality when needed. Whilst there is nothing intrinsically wrong with porn, masturbation, or frequent sex, when engaged habitually it reduces sexual experience to something mundane. If this is you, try planning a sex magickal working on a full moon and abstaining from all sex and sexual thoughts from either the preceding new or full moon. Templum Nigris Solis recommend daily consumption of Damiana extract at 10:1 during periods of abstinence leading up to a working to heighten arousal further.
Ritual is a time honoured method of aligning the different aspects of our consciousness with a specific goal. For solo, partnered and group work basic formats and practices I know to be effective include, The Mass of Chaos B, Anton LaVey's basic ritual structure, Spare's Formula of Plotinus from The Zoetic Grimoire of Zos and the Sabbatic practices describes by Templum Nigris Solis. Within my own personal practice a Sabbatic structure using sexual offerings to the Hoodoo Spirits described in The Voudon Gnostic Workbook is highly effective. I encourage you to experiment with these methods yourself or design your own. In any event for most people failing to get results in sex magick, a ritual approach is typically the missing factor.
Finally, we come to novel sex acts or acts distinct from our norm. Either used in isolation or combined with abstinence and ritual this can be the one thing that really shocks your subconscious into magickal action. Intuitively, Spare knew this to be true, noting that it was his frequent practice to perform sex acts with individuals who he found sexually repulsive or abnormal. His formula being one of uniting lust and desire with disgust to generate what he calls"free belief". Legends of the Witches Sabbath recall similar methods where sexual and cultural taboos are violated in order to produce magickal effects.
Before going further I want to emphasise in no way am I endorsing doing anything that doesn't include consenting adults. Don't be a dick! Moreover, doing this kind of work means you need to do a lot of personal introspection. Only you know your own limits and this kind of thing most certainly is not for everyone. Working in this manner can generate very powerful pre-conscious energies it can also cause you a lot of trauma if you're not suited to it. Please tread carefully.
With all this said, there are innumerable ways to introduce sexual novelty into your workings. For some this may be as simple as changing roles in terms of dominance and submission or even ritual role play more generally. If oral and/or anal is outside your normal experience here's your chance to get freaky. Likewise, sex in unusual locations or with more than one person are well known to get you outside of your comfort zone. For those who want to take things further sex outside your normal gender preference is an option as is having sex with individuals you may not normally find attractive. Providing you don't violate anyone else's personal safety or barriers, the possibilities are limited only by imagination.
Intensity of orgasm matters, don't let anyone tell you different. If you're not capable of having a truly mind altering orgasm don't expect to get reality altering results. Let's fix that!
Whilst various tantric, yogic and energetic practices can, and do, increase available sexual energy they are secondary to addressing your physical potential. Your physical body and its capabilities are the fundamental scaffolding everything else is built upon. Don't get me wrong, energetic practices are important but if you want to run a high wattage of sexual magis through your body you need the circuitry intact to actually do it.
Ground zero is natural hormone production. For men this specifically means getting your free testosterone - as opposed to bound - as high as naturally possible.
It's no secret that testosterone levels in men have dropped around 50% in the last two decades. Symptoms of low testosterone include lack of drive and ambition, difficulty building muscle, depression, low energy and lack of libido. Let me tell you straight if you're carrying excess body fat and not waking up with a rampant, raging erection every day, your testosterone is sub-optimal for maximally effective sexual sorcery. Fortunately, there's plenty you can do about it.
If this is all sounding a little medical and less magickal, bear with me. From a sorcerous perspective testosterone is quite aptly the outward hormonal manifestation of the raw libidinal force you have at your disposal. Notably, within the Voudon Gnostic current of Michael Bertiaux sexual power and magickal power are coterminous. Bertiaux relates the great Voudon spirit Ghuedhe Nibbho as having his home in the sexual organs and granting sexual, physical and magickal vitality as well as preserving youth. Within Bertiaux's system a magickian manifesting the powers of Ghuedhe displays identical attributes to someone with high levels of free testosterone. It's all big dick energy!
From the perspective of attracting sex partners, high natural testosterone levels in men actually makes you more attractive. Physically it contributes to the characteristics that the opposite sex find most desirable; wide shoulders, tight waist, masculine jaw line, dominance behaviour etc. Interestingly, there's studies into sweat secretions from high testosterone men being most sexually arousing to women. The point being, enhancing your natural test levels engages you in something that is pre-conscious and instinctual...magick stuff.
The reasons for sub-optimal testosterone are multifactorial but can be addressed and enhanced through dietary and lifestyle interventions and brought into the high range. Here's several:
SLEEP. Yeah, you've heard it before but it is that important. Aim for 7-8hrs in a cool, bat cave. Minimise screen time 2 hrs before sleep and practice parasympathetic breathwork before bed.
AVOID ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS. Predominately these come in the form of synthetic fragrances, body washes, shampoo and cosmetics. These get absorbed through the skin and enter the blood stream, effectively chemically castrating you. Go natural at all costs!
LIMIT ALCOHOL. It constantly amazes me how many people who claim to be magickians yet can't go a day without alcohol in their lives. I mean are you a someone who takes control of your life or a frat guy from a 90's college movie? Assuming you plan on taking sex magick seriously, there's two broad reason to limit alcohol consumption. The first is it's impact on your natural sex hormones and performance. The second is that alcohol does have uses sacramentally and magickally but it loses all of those features when consumed habitually. You want to remain sensitive to its effects.
STOP VAPING. Just obvious. Turns you into a low testosterone, impotent beta.
MEDITATE. If you're magickally inclined you should be doing this anyway but if you're not here's another reason to get on the bandwagon. Meditation indirectly influences testosterone by lowering cortisol. The basic mechanism is that both hormones are manufactured from the same mother hormone. By lowering cortisol you have a greater potential for test production.
COVER NUTRITIONAL BASES. Zinc, Magnesium, Boron and Vit D3 are essential nutrients for a high testosterone lifestyle. Most of us are deficient due to mineral depletion of soils and lifestyle factors. Simplest way is just to supplement.
EAT A PRO-TESTOSTERONE DIET. Focus on foods that support natural test production. These include grass fed red meat, free range, organic eggs, abundant natural fats such as ghee, coconut oil, avocados, extra virgin olive and a grass fed butter. Additional foods linked to higher test include pomegranate, onions, oysters and beef liver. Cruciferous vegetables and citrus exert anti-estrogenic effects, increasing the benefits of natural test production. Best sources of carbohydrates are those that cause minimal gut inflammation; fruits, organic white rice, sweet potatoes etc.
LIFT HEAVY SHIT. Strength training is one of the most direct methods for positively influencing your sex hormones. I don't know you personally so I'm not going to give you a specific workout but I'll give you guidelines that are shown to work. Get progressively stronger in the 6-10 rep range on large multi-joint movements and you'll signal your body to jack up testosterone and growth hormone. Learn to squat appropriately for your biomechanics, deadlift, row, chin and press heavy stuff over your head. Three times a week is plenty if you're training properly.
GET YOUR STEPS IN. For largely speculative reasons men with a step count over 8000 per day tend towards higher testosterone levels. Interesting those benefits get better with even higher step counts. Also improves almost every other health and longevity marker.
SUN YOUR BALLS. Ok, not for everyone and just to be clear we are not talking about tanning or burning your nuts but modest sun exposure. Brief UV exposure being linked to up to a 200% increase in urinary testosterone. Red light therapy produces similar results.
ICE YOUR BALLS. The mechanism of action behind cold exposure and testosterone is again quite speculative but still produces results. The current theory holds that brief periods of vasoconstriction produced through cold followed by natural vasodilation cause fresh blood and nutrients to be drawn to the testes. There also may be some mechanism of mitochondrial biogenesis. Regardless, the basic practice is to apply an ice-pack to covered (not direct to skin) to genitals for 10-15 minutes up to three times per day. Also great for fertility.
HERBAL ENHANCEMENT. Whilst there are numerous herbal supplements and extracts that can influence libido and sexual performance - Maca, Damiana, Horny Goat Weed, Tribulus for example - very few are shown to actually increase testosterone. An exception is Tongkat Ali, sometimes referred to as Malaysian ginseng. Tongkat Ali has long been used to treat erectile disfunction, low libido, anxiety and high blood pressure. Importantly, it is well studied to increase both total and free testosterone. Recommended dosage is between 200-400mg per day. Effects will usually be felt within 7-14 days and reach their peak after a few months.
GET YOUR PHONE AWAY FROM YOUR NUTS. Over a decade ago strength coach, Charles Poliquin noted athletes who kept their phones in their pants pockets universally had lower test levels. Now it is well studied that EMF radiation from phones can significantly lower serum levels.
SET DIFFICULT GOALS AND ACCOMPLISH THEM. This largely relates to the relationship between the dopamine system and testosterone - higher dopamine correlates to higher test levels. Both to improve your life generally and max out your natural test and sex drive you need to identify important life goals and work towards accomplishing them. This should be one of the foremost tasks of any serious magickian but is also a reliable way to maximise your test levels.
STACK AND BE CONSISTENT. All the methods mentioned work but will work even better when stacked together for consistent periods on time.
THE LAST RESORT. Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) is an option but I would encourage to try and get your natural test levels as high as possible naturally first. Going down the TRT route is a lifelong commitment and does come with complications.
A common thread throughout this article is that you need to get the basics right in order to get really obvious results. This applies to all areas of life, the difficulty when it comes to sex magick is those basics are elusive and very rarely if ever discussed. If those fundamentals aren't addressed you can pump your perineum until your blue in the face and visualise all the energy channels you want but your effects will always be limited.
I've outlined what I am confident to be three of the most important yet rarely discussed basics for results-orientated sex magickians. I am equally confident that if you appropriately apply all three you will get exponentially better results with your sorcery. It does require work on your part but that work can be fun and as a side effect will make you healthier, sexier and more successful in almost everything you do.
If this area of magick interests you and you are serious about getting better results contact me for coaching and I'll put together a comprehensive plan tailored to you and your goals.